- Gómez Ortega, A. Sensitive Data Donation: Reframing Intimate Data Practices through Design. Delft University of Technology. 2024. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. 🏆 Participation in Data Donation: Co-Creative, Collaborative and Contributory Engagements with Athletes and their Intimate Data. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24). Best Paper Award. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. Sensitive Data Donation: A Feminist Reframing of Data Practices for Intimate Research Contexts. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24). [LINK]
- Wundsam A., Gómez Ortega, A., and Cila, N. (2024) Intimate Data as a Design Material: Designing Tracking Practices for Menstruating Athletes. In DRS2024. [LINK]
- Gomez Ortega, A., Noortman, Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. Dataslip: Into the Present and Future(s) of Personal Data Collection. In Proceedings of the Eighteen International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI’24). [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. Personal Data Comics: A Data Storytelling Approach Supporting Personal Data Literacy. In XI Latin American Conference on HCI. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., Hutiri, W.T., and Kortuem, G. (2023) Beyond Data Transactions: A Framework for Meaningfully Informed Data Donation. AI & Society. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. (2023) Understanding the Challenges Around Design Activities that Incorporate Behavioral Data. Proceedings of the Design Society. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. (2023) What is Sensitive about (Sensitive) Data? Characterizing Sensitivity and Intimacy with Google Assistant Users. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. (2022) Reconstructing Intimate Contexts through Data Donation: A Case Study in Menstrual Tracking Technologies. In Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (NordiCHI ’22). [LINK]
- Lu, J., Gómez Ortega, A., Gonçalves, M., and Bourgeois, J. (2021). The Impact of Data on the Role of Designers and their Process. Proceedings of the Design Society. [LINK]
- Gómez Ortega, A., Milias, V., Broadhead, J., van der Valk, C, and Bourgeois, J. (2023). Dataslip: How far does your personal data go? (2023) INTERACT 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [LINK]
- Gomez Ortega, A., Bourgeois, J., and Kortuem, G. (2021) Towards Designerly Data Donation. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. [LINK]
- Gomez Ortega, A., Lovei, P., Noortman, R., Toebosch, R., Bowyer, A., Kurze, A., Funk, M., Gould, S., Huron, S., and Bourgeois, J. (2023) SIG on Data as Human-Centered Design Material. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23). [LINK]
- Gomez Ortega, A., van Kollenburg, J., Shen, Y., Murray-Rust, D., Nedić, D., Jimenez, J., Meijer, W., Chaudhary, P., and Bourgeois, J. (2022) SIG on Data as Human-Centered Design Material. In Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’22). [LINK]