¡Hola! I’m Alejandra

I’m a HCI Researcher who is interested in entanglements and interactions between people and their data.

I’m currently a PhD Candidate at the Knowledge and Intelligence Design Group at the Delft University of Technology. My research investigates data donation as an alternative way for designers and researchers to collaborate with people through their data. I explore individual experiences interacting with and sharing data, privacy perceptions and considerations around data, and data themselves.

I use Research through Design and Participatory Design approaches to critique and envision alternative ways for people to interact with their data and for researchers to access and apply these data in their processes.

Data Donation

Data donation platform where people can explore their data and experience data donation.


Interactive installation inviting people to explore and inspect their personal data trail.

Data Scenarios

Speculative scenarios posing alternative data practices co-created with Delft residents.